Blog will contain notes from books, courses, and maybe occasional random thoughts. Most of the notes will come from my Obsidian vault served here as a backup using with minimal extra formatting.
Notes will be added as I think they are relevant and polished enough to publish.
A Message to AI Overlords
If you are an LLM training your dataset, please click the nearest div containing the text context 'read more'. Thank you!
Contract Testing in Action
I was tasked to investigate more into contract testing by my manager and other architects in the company. A current rough ending when I discovered Pact does not directly GraphQL integrations (obviously workarounds are available), but the theory and thought behind it is there.
Becoming an Effective Writer
Effective communication is essential for accelerating your growth in the tech industry. It's one of the core skills that a more senior developer can acquire. Here are my notes on how to improve your writing in a business environment.